
Sleeve.XR – Transforming Experience

We are a team of programmers, software developers, 3D artists and AR/VR experts. Currently we are still a small team of about 25 employees.

We develop our own software “Sleeve.XR” with, which seemingly unlimited possibilities can be realised in virtual and augmented reality.
The focus of Sleeve.XR are the industry, the medical sector, the health & rescue service and also the end user. We develop remote applications for training environments, virtual working instructions and repair information.


Years of AR and VR Experience




Days Employees spent in the Virtual World

Sleeve.XR powered By Usaneers

Usaneers GmbH was founded in 2000 as a spin-off of a research cooperation between BMW and the Technical University of Munich with the aim of using usability engineering as a tool in the prototype development of display and operating concepts in the automotive industry (Usaneers=”Usability Engineers”).